Would you like to learn more about food and nutrition? Do you get confused by all the different food labelling? Not sure what to buy and what not to buy? Would you like to learn more about how to put together simple healthy meals? Do you wonder what snacks are good for you?
If the answer is 'Yes' to any of these questions then Lisa's Personal Food Shopping Experience could be just what you're looking for.
Meet Lisa at your local supermarket and go around the food aisles together. Lisa will help you to understand the food and nutritional labelling, what foods are good and what foods are bad, the healthier foods for the best price, how to put healthy, nutritional meals and snacks together. Whatever your questions Lisa will be there to answer them.
Food and Nutritional Consultation and Personal Food Shopping Experience Prior to your Personal Food Shopping Experience your package includes a 30 minute consultation. This gives you the opportunity to tell Lisa more about yourself, your present food and nutrition, your lifestyle and any health, dietary objectives and goals.
Normal Price - £75 Clients Price - £50 (price for Lisa's Personal Training clients).
*Complete package of consultation and personal food shopping trip lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes. *Prices are for Norwich located supermarkets.